Friday, October 15, 2010

Reading (Audiobook) - The Invisible Gorilla

The Invisible Gorilla (see is based upon a famous psychological experiment and the book describes instances where the findings are relevant to real-world scenarios.

Before reading the book, go to the above website and look at a few of the videos - they play a key part at the start of the book and are more fun to see "cold".

So far they've discussed police behaviour, plagerism and the stock market.

Other books that I'd consider similar are Freakonomics and Super-Freakonomics (see which describe and explain everyday phenomenon (and less "everyday" things) using economic model perspectives.

I guess I'd also throw in Malcolm Gladwell's books (see Outliers, What the Dog Saw, The Tipping Point and Blink as feeding a similar hunger.

Today (Friday, October 15) I went to the Invisible Gorilla website and watched the videos and showed two folks in the office.  I knew the "trick" but they were caught completely by surprise - a very nice example and well worth viewing.

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