Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finished "In the President's Secret Service" Ronald Kessler - Audiobook

Finished "In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect" by Ronald Kessler ( on audiobook.

This book was OK at best.  Secret Service is overworked and some protectees don't give them much respect.  Not really thrilled that somebody(ies) in the Secret Service shared gossip about presidents and families.  The trade-off is supposed to be that the family will allow access in exchange for privacy.  It doesn't speak well for the Secret Service that Kessler had enough gossip to support a book (nothing particularly juicy either).

I don't think any particular policing force can ever prepare for every contingency, particularly given that the "criminal element" has full opportunity to plan and full choice of targets and venues.  It's no real surprise when the Secret Service worries about the same issues, even if the size of the theatre they play in is larger.

Funding cuts, poor working environment, seemingly random assignments putting pressure on agents and family for no discernible benefit or cause, underpowered weaponry and incompetent management are real issues for the Secret Service, and if this book serves to fix some or all of them, great.  Just not particularly riveting reading.

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