Monday, January 7, 2013

Watching (TV Series) - "Strangers with Candy" (2005)

Reading a biography of Stephen Colbert (of the "Colbert Report" and "Daily Show") and discovered that he was in a short-run TV series "Strangers with Candy" with a few of his Second City buds (Amy Sederis and Paul Dinello) - IMDB for "Strangers with Candy".

The series is definitely adult in nature, though basically a parody of teen-geared "After School Specials" - each episode focuses on an issue (bullying, disabilities, teen angst....), though through the eyes of a 47-year old high school freshman, Jerri Blank (Sederis) who ran away as a teen and served time for drugs and prostitution.

The show is a little harsh, but does have some genuinely funny pieces to it.  The portrayal of the staff is particularly amusing, as Colbert and Dinello play secret lovers, often being "caught" by others, but nobody puts two and two together.  The principal and gym teacher also play nice, semi-sterotyped roles with signifiant non-sterotype divergences.

Worth watching, certainly, but definitely a quirky series -not for everyone.

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