Friday, October 14, 2011

Reading - Action Comics - DC "The New 52"

DC Comics announced a "re-start" of their comics, streamlining into a new set of 52 ongoing series.  I've read the first 2 issues of Action Comics (this title was where Superman first appeared in 1938).

The new Superman is interesting, kept most of the old costume, though updated (ie. no red underpants over his blue tights).  I like the tone of the new book - Superman is seen as an alien, and the military is interested in figuring out what he's about - they've hired Lex Luthor to investigate.  This seems more "realistic" in the sense that a substantially augmented person would likely be seen suspiciously, until they've established a history of "good deeds".  The story reads well and is compelling to return to monthly.

Compare this to the horrible job Marvel is doing to revitalize their lines.  Massive storylines that seem to damage rather than enhance, the characters and the universe they inhabit.  It appears that Marvel is more interested in destroying their links to the past to free up the creators to experiment, than they are to maintain a compelling character/universe that creates a long-term connection to characters.  DC seems to be creating such a universe, which bodes well.

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