Sunday, July 29, 2012

iPad - Perfect Comic Book Reader

I received an iPad at work, which, of course, I've been using to read comic books.  The device is near perfect - I'd like a slightly larger screen size to match up to the printed comics, but the iPad interface (zoom etc.) is more than adequate to handle the odd times the default full-page reading mode is not appropriate.

The only other "trouble" I've had is the odd comic does not display on the iPad.  I'm using "Cloudreader" which recognized CBR and CBZ formats.  These are simply jpg files zipped or rared into archives, where the extension is changed from zip to cbz or rar to cbr respectively - cb being "comic book" - this format allows the reader to decide on how to organize his/her collection - the default is one archive file per comic issue, but there are certainly examples of storylines of multiple issues collected into a single archive.

I suspect the issue is related to either the resolution of the jpg images (e.g. too high res x too many files = too big a file to be resolved) or perhaps a mismatch in the archive formatting (e.g. a file labeled cbr when it is actually a zip file).

Overall, the app (Cloudreader) and the device (iPad) both work excellently and provide a great reading experience - very easy to run through an entire run of comics in a few hours.

The only other issue I have with the iPad is not unique - I'm not happy to be "tied" to iTunes - I find is slow and clunky - I'd much rather have the option to connect the iPad to the computer an bulk copy my files to the device.

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