Monday, January 7, 2013

Finished (TV Series) - "Heroes"

Didn't watch "Heroes" when it was playing live (2006 to 2010), even though I'm a big comic book geek.

However, I recently undertook to watch the series, and really liked it.  It did seem to suffer from an occasional character inconsistency or an occasional inability to solve problems properly using the powers given, though this is really a problem in the "powers' genre - sometimes stories can be wrapped up if the participants remember that they can go back in time a few minutes and fix things, brainwash somebody, or blow them away from across the street.

However, generally the stories held together well, even given the TV requirement to have a cliffhanger and a resolution of a  prior cliffhanger, on a weekly basis.

Definitely worth watching - too bad it couldn't maintain longer, though it is a series that takes dedicated watching to keep track of what is going on, and what particular powers a few of the characters have available (two characters "steal" powers).  A few characters seemingly switch sides, so that also requires dedicated watching.

It is unlikely that Heroes will return as a series, at least with the same cast (as Claire ages, it is less likely she'll appear in a cheerleader outfit, losing legions of comic geeks).  However, the series and the premise would work very well for a movie (either big-screen or TV), as it would be very easy to concoct a significant storyline, identify villains and heroes and let them go at it.

A movie may also pave the way to create new characters which may serve a longer agenda - series of movies or spin-off series/mini-series.  Like the mutant X-men in Marvel Comics, the heroes universe doesn't require a very large back-story on the characters - a new set of powers, an agenda, some learning and confusion as they come to grips with what they can do - all make for relatively easy to create storylines.

I'd highly recommend watching the series on DVD - not sure if it is on Netflix.

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