Having recently listened to "God is not Great" by Christopher Hitchens, "The Portable Atheist" speaks much the same message. I found "God is not Great" to be more compelling, but that is likely because of the ordering. As both books cover much of the same material, it is much stronger on first sight than on subsequent re-tellings.
Again, I'd recommend both, or either, to anybody who is firmly religious, or firmly non-religious - it would lack the strength to anybody hovering without strong convictions. As with "God is not Great", Hitchens takes a very strong anti-religious, and anti-faith stance, considering both harmful to the species, and primarily a vehicle for power and control of some humans over other humans, with very little supporting the "higher" aspects.
If you feel strongly about religion, pro or con, the essays and arguments will be sure to stimulate dialogue, even if it is primarily internal dialogue. Strongly religious folks should listen/read, just to understand problems with human organizations, and the potential to abuse power, even if they can't question the underlying faith they should be able to evaluate/criticize the human aspects and learn from human problems.
My biggest issue with religion is the mixing of religion and politics - this book should provide some of the necessary cautions, and support the distinction between the government and the church. Everyone should imagine the most polar-opposite religion from themselves, and consider that group in a society-power position - only if you can consider living in that society should you persist in moving secular governments along your religious lines. If not, consider the effect your proposed changes would have on other faiths/non-faiths and act accordingly.
Hitchens' book is authorative, thorough and exacting. Only a person biased from the start would fail to see the truth and clarity of the man's point of view. Whether you believe in God or you don't, as a brilliant example of well informed, sound opinion, you should read this book.