Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finished (E-Reader) - "Heaven is For Real" - Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent

Found "Heaven is For Real" and read it in a couple of hours.  I must say, I was expecting an uplifting story, but what I found was a very formulaic advertisement for conservative Christian doctrine.  Everything experienced by the boy in the "true" story was exactly as outlined in juvenile descriptions of heaven - big chairs, colours, etc.
As the kid grew up in a pastor's family, it is not in the least surprising to me that his recollections fit the stories he would have heard over time.  Nothing he recalled or discussed seemed outside of what you could expect if a kid was given an opportunity to write a story about what it would be like to go to Heaven.

I'm amazed this is a best seller, and that there are three others just like it on the same list.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this book. it was done in a way that seems as if the child was writing it. very simple and almost like a report being brought forward. I am happy for the family in its success, and may God continue to Bless their good fortune in this book becoming an "overnight success." Who knows why some books catch on and some don't?? I enjoyed it though, it was sweet.
