Read the mid '80's Squadron Supreme "live" many years ago. Fell into the mini-series "Supreme Power" when released by Marvel in the '00s. Really liked it - didn't make the connection to "Squadron Supreme" until later series (which had to be titled "Squadron Supreme" or I might never have made the connection to the earlier incarnations). (
Of course I read "Supreme Power" not as an origin for the Marvel characters, but a re-imagining of the Superman story - raising an alien kid with super powers. As the '90s were a more realistic comic world than the '30s, the alien's adoptive parents weren't the kindly small town Kents, but male and female army officers given a long term assignment. It was very interesting to see how a "Superman" would make short work of armed conflict (they had him remove the weapons from Iraqi soldiers in the first Gulf War).
Nighthawk (Batman) and Dr. Spectrum (Green Lantern) are also well portrayed characters, along with Hyperion (Superman).
I was very disappointed that the 2006 series ended on a cliff-hanger - the big confrontation with the villain - and it was never resolved - no additional issues. If they exist, please publish them.
A nicely revived character set, short series (Supreme Power ran 18 issues, Squadron Supreme ran a 7 issue and 12 issue series, smaller 5-6 issue Nighthawk, Hyperion, Nighthawk vs. Hyperion and Dr. Spectrum series, along with an Ultimate Universe version (Ultimate Power).
All series are well done and worth the read.
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